
Showing posts from 2014

The downside of social media

The archeology of editing

The importance of binge editing

Is all publicity good publicity?


Red roses in November - walking with the Muse

My writing process blog tour

Where's my Supreme Ordeal?

Sideways promotion

The hybrid way

Learning to be a writer

The pain of writing - not

The long and the short of it

Solitude for writers

Passing on my self publishing knowledge

Building my brand

Writing in the hothouse

The World Science Fiction Convention - Creativity Central

The life of the modern author

Keeping a spark of hope

Finding my truth in fiction

From cliffhanger to cliffhanger

Raising my profile

Give out to get back

Demon copy editor

Practical history for writers

The learning curve

Rewriting old novels

Staying true to the vision

Rejections are personal

The bungled ending

Hothouse creativity

Deepening the story

The empathy equation

The slow burn revolution

Straightening out the story