
Showing posts from 2020

New year, new resolve

Taking and long, hard look

The title, the hook

Market ready

Weaving the threads

Mistress of logistics

Nailing the ending

Forced relationships

A change of tack

Pushing the envelope

Am I too grounded?

Support in the time of pandemic

Measuring my progress

Tying the threads together

Writing discipline

The re-read test

Quiet conflict

Stuck in the soggy middle

Keeping up the momentum

Lengthening the story

Writing, my constant support

Killing the story

I don't care about your lush worldbuilding

Trilogy trouble

Pandemic ponderings

Writing the other

Keeping the clues going

Continuing the story

Quiet conflict

Cliffhangers, mysteries, twists, and questions

A fusion of old and new

Old setting, new ideas

Choreographing the action

Being part of the conversation

Reinventing myself