Journalling - the voice of the subconscious

I have had a bit of a rough week this week emotionally.  I made the mistake of spending too much time on Twitter watching already-published authors announce their new book deals.  I even got to the stage one day when I seriously considered giving up the struggle to get published altogether.

At times like that there's only one answer to my gloomy mood, and that's to pick up my journal and a pen and write about what's bugging me.  I've journalled about goals and things that infuriate me for years.  Whenever I encounter something I don't feel I can deal with I go to my journal and write.

I'll start the entry with a question.  It might be along the lines of 'why did this happen to me?' Or sometimes, if I'm feeling a bit directionless, it might be, 'What do I need to know about my life right now?'

I have a weakness for nice journals to write my thoughts in.  The previous one, a cloth-bound journal with a blue and white flower design on the cover, holds my scribblings from August 2015 to June 2017.  My current journal has one of those multicoloured watercolour splodge covers that are so fashionable right now.  But the real reason I bought it was because of the slogan emblazoned across the front.  'Everything is Possible', it reads.

When I've written my question I relax and wait for the answers to come to me. Something other than my ego guides my hand as I write.  Whatever is writing through me will often scold me for thinking negative thoughts.  The answers will often counter my negativity by pointing out the good things I've achieved.

Where do these insights come from?  Do they come from my inner knowing, or from what Jung called the collective unconscious shared by all humans?  I don't profess to know the answer to that question, I only know that the answers have an 'other' quality,  I will often be addressed as 'you', as if someone outside me is talking to me.  Let's take yesterday's question as an example.  I asked: Should I give up the idea of being mainstream published?  The answer I got back was NO!  ABSOLUTELY NOT.  And yes, I was told to write it in capitals.  

So for now I'll take my journal's advice,  I'm off to submit to another agent.


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