Ladette SF - no thanks
I'm reading a woman SF author's book right now, and I'm hating it. It's another dystopia, and I rarely fall in love with those. But I think this one will have far less power to make me fall in love with its world. And that's because the main female characters are ladette. One is a minder/assassin. And the second one? She's the brothel boss the minder works for.
An assassin and a brothel madam? Are those two worn tropes the only two occupations writers can dream up for women in the future? Really? What happened to #MeToo, and the huge challenge to sexualisation of women that is going on right now? Why are we still presuming in the future that a sex-obsessed patriarchy still has control of the universe? We can do better that that.
I can't work out whether writing these ladette characters is what these writers raeally want to do in their heart of hearts, or whether it was something they felt they needed to do to increase the chances of their story being saleable. That would be a very depressing thought.
I've said before in relation to SF short stories that equality is a wider issue than just counting the number of stories published by women. I still have this feeling that there are some editors who would not be willing to take a risk on a radically feminist story.
What if a writer wanted to show the negative, controlling, and restricting downside of families for women? What if a writer wanted to be brutally honest and show the reactions of a new mother who - shock horror - never wanted the kid she's been landed with, and bitterly regrets birthing it? There are many women having the courage to say this publically now. But would an editor with kids of her own buy that story? I have my doubts that their 'diversity' drive would stretch that far.
I'm looking for strong women who aren't ladettes in my stories. And if they're aromantic asexual, so much the better. And how about we kick the traditional occupations out. Let's have women who heads the intergalactic assembly, or legal system. Or maybe we have a charismatic prophet of a women's religion. Or maybe the woman manages the interstellar banking system.
Let's have an end to ladette stereotypes. Let's see fiction that bears a closer resemblance to the recent gains women have made in the real world, that acknowledges that we really can make a living without reference to sex.
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