Megacorp unrealistic

I've recently read two dystopian SF novels which were explaining the evils of letting large corporate organisations control our lives.  Both stories postulated a future where companies had, in effect, become governments, complete with their own armies.  These companies were both drawn as all-powerful organisations that owned and controlled people.  One even postulated an indenture system which was a form of corporate slavery.  They owned and exploited people - and were ultra-efficient at what they did.

And that was my big problem with both books.  Both companies were run by humans, and seemed to have tech that always worked perfectly, and every employee was loyal.  They were perfect villains with no flaws.

I couldn't believe in either scenario.  To get to the stage where any megacorp works so efficiently would require no less than a fundamental change in the nature of human beings.  We're an argumentative species, and you only have to scan Twitter for a short while to see how many differing opinions and belief systems humans have.  I can't see enough people believing in such megacorps to allow them to become so powerful.

I often get the feeling that writers of such books have never worked in today's equivalent of those big companies.  From my experience of working in them I know that, however much people need the job and the money it provides, they don't give their all to these companies.  Companies buy employees' time and talents.  What they don't do is own their souls and spirits.

There are limits to what employees will do for even the best-paying company.  One book postulated a future where everyone had to take productivity drugs in order to get a job.  But there will always be a substantial number of people who rebel against such things.  In the future I can see that blossoming into a 'Natural People' movement. There will be people who refuse to have the implants or take the pills.  I envisage colonies selecting their members on the basis of their beliefs, returning to the land and their real bodies.

So I have trouble believing in all-powerful megacorps.  They have too many whistleblowers, uncommitted employees, and IT that regularly crashes - or is hacked.  I don't think they're due to take over our world any day soon.


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