Hanging with my writer tribes - part 2

I've written before about hanging with my writer tribes, but this time I want to talk about being with in real life tribes.

Over the last six months or so I've got involved with a few new writer groups.  At present the Portsmouth Writers' Hub is  without a co-ordinatior, so the members are keeping the group together by arranging some networking events and in-house workshops.  After a summer hiatus we'll be meeting at the end of Seotember, and it will be good to catch up with everybody and find out what they've been up to over the summer.

Two days after the Hub meeting some of the members will be performing stories for the second year running at the Subaquatic Steampunk Weekend at the Gosport Submarine Museaum.  This year we're on a stage where we're much more visible than last year, so it will be a step up in performance terms for everyone.  I've written two new stories for the Saturday sessions.  The long-range weather forecast is set fair, so it should go well.

I've also got involved with spoken word group T'Articulation.  As well as performing at a few events, I've also been to a couple of socials that the members organised.  These have been great fun.  The group is turning into something special, and I've made some new friends through it.

I'm also a member of a writers' group which focuses on marketing work.  The members are predominantly self-published, and we talk about our submissions and about promoting our books.  We set personal targets for the next month at each meeting, and report on how well we've achieved them next time.

The last writer tribe I belong to is Havant and District Writers' Circle.  That too is a lively and diverse group of people, and we have a lot of fun in the meetings.  For the last two years we've also organised retreat days with a tutor.  This year's is tomorrow, and I'm looking forward to a challenging and inspiring day with the Hampshire Poet Laureate.

Several of my writers friends belong to more than one of my groups, and sometimes I have to remember who I've told what to where.  I am at last building the comprehensive network of writers that I've been working towards for years.


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