To plan, or not

I'm starting to work out the plot for the third book in the Panthera series, to be titled Panthera : Death Plain.  It will be set on Earth, and that brings my characters back to where they started from.

With the Panthera books I wanted a crisp, thriller-type writing style.  I have multi-viewpoints, and I wanted each new viewpoint to pick up the story thread and add the next piece.  I wasn't confident that I would pull that off if I didn't plan the novel in a fair degree of detail before I started to write.

Writers fall into two camps.  There are those that plan, and those that don't, before they start writing.  In my early  career I didn't plan. My novel Jade was written from a five line story idea.  The book works fine, but it is told in one viewpoint and that makes things a lot easier.  As I've moved to multi-viewpoint stories I've found the need for planning has increased.

For Panthera : Death Song I produced a detailed chapter breakdown before I started to write.  But as I wrote I found it didn't cover everything the story needed.  Often I hadn't thought about linking that section of narrative to the one immediately before it and I needed to write a bridging scene.  I also realised that I'd missed opportunities to put in cliffhangers at the end of chapters.  Often that meant I had to shift some of the information in my chapter plan to the start of the next chapter in that character's viewpoint.

What I've discovered is that, even when I have a detailed chapter plan, I need to stay flexible and open to new opportunities to improve the text.  So I guess for me, the ideal way to work is to plan, but be willing to change the plan if a better idea arises while I'm writing.

In Death Plain I need to pick up some of the story threads I left dangling in Death Spiral.  I'm finding the best way to work at this first stage of planning is to write individual incidents and scenes onto index cards.  When I have all my major ideas I can then divide them up between the characters and write my chapter plan.  I'm planning on having four viewpoints in Death Plain: Ren, her two brothers, and Pan.  I don't think Felis is going to make another appearance, but you never know.  Perhaps the Muses will have other ideas and my careful planning will go out the window again.


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