
Showing posts from 2015

Rituals and festivals in brave new worlds

The English aren't exotic - time for some reverse diversity?

Regaining my writer's centre

Turning it off - and saving my sanity

Continuity, darling - the final edit

Submitting my heart to scrutiny

Effective endings - wrapping the story up in style

Show not tell revisited

Agency and emotional engagement - finding the right viewpoint

End of book one - the set-up for book two

The archaeology of punctuation

Smoothing the narrative - linking up the action

Open doors - the changing publishing scene

Do the shuffle - keeping information in the right order

The art of supportive feedback

The joy meter - appreciating my own work

Fights and funerals - the power of description and emotion

Manuscript faults and agent Carly Watters

Fresh and leading edge - a dose of jumbo-jumbo

What makes a great character?

The network - Gathering publicity opportunities

Deepening and widening -creating richness in the narrative

Spare a thought for the serious writer

Cutting it short - the 150 word synopsis

Social media research - agents and editors beware

Putting the individual into big history

Coherent personalities

Setting the weather

Let's do the twist

How do we measure success?

Fractured narratives - a cautionary time travel tale

Taking a step back from social media

Wonderful living worlds

Making the first page sing

Rejection - part of the process